Friday, 7 October 2016

Links,synergy and brand identity

The magazine Metal Hammer has synergy throughout all of their issues, and in this one, the iconic masthead has not changed in comparison to the previous one because it is their housestyle and creates their identity. The gold used on the front cover is not used in the contents page which means that it is not type of synergy in this magazine.
Metal Hammer has a brand identity, as you can see, that even though there isn't much red, the brand's name is in bright red. This is continued to the contents page, which involves hints of red on puffs.

The contents page has many photos, which are laid out beautifully, also, looking at the style of it you can tell that it is definitely a Metal Hammer contents page, because of the style of photos, drop capitals and the colour codes. Also, the fonts used for the contents puff looks rigged and aggressive, which makes it look hardcore. The repeated use of blood red and their masthead creates strong synergy between their institution, the front cover and the contents page which makes it recognizable from the rest.

The contents page has quite a lot of text wrapping, even though it is very busy. This can also be seen in other issues, which can only mean that this is a convention that Metal Hammer has decided to use in between all of their issues and to make it part of their synergy and housestyle. I really like the way it is carried out and therefore I will consider using a similar layout for my contents page, when I create my music magazine to make it recognizable compared to the rest.

The masthead/logo of the magazine can be seen several times on the contents page, which defines it's brand identity, as due to that you will never mistaken it for another magazine's contents page.

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