My first question was in order to help me with deciding on the size of my masthead and possibly colour, it was 'Would a large logo/masthead of a magazine grab your attention from a shelf? And these are the answers that I have received:
I did expect the majority of the answers to say Yes, however, I also expected at least one or two participants to say no. Nevertheless, no matter what the votes would have been, I would still use a relatively large masthead, or at least elements of it to grab attention of readers.
My second question was asked so it would help me make decisions on what sort of colour schemes I should look at, as I did not know whether I would use a vibrant or a toned down colour scheme. These are the results that I have received from the 10 participants:
My third question was: 'Is a big central photo with a quality/interesting pose important?'. I asked this question as I wanted to know what style of photos and poses I should try on the front cover of my magazine to make them appeal to my specific niche audience, as I had to get that right in order to gain customers. These were my results:
Because my central photo is rather serious this has made me reconsider using a different one, and so I posted a draft with a more youthful, cheery photo, however, I feel that it appeared more like a fashion magazine that way, and so,for now, I am leaving the original photo for the front cover, unless I take a better photo.
Question number four was in regards to know for what reason does my audience purchase magazines in general, so I would be able to know what style of article I should write for my double page spread.
Referring to Blumer and Katz I have asked what type of article they would be interested in:
Because I have concentrated on the personal story of my star,which isn't very uplifting but rather inspiring, I still have tried to appeal to the results, and so I have added elements of humour in it, by using rude language in occasion to make the article more entertaining for the young audience. However, if I had an older audience that would be over 40, taboo language would not be used as it is considered unacceptable for people who are older.
My fifth question was asked in order to aid me to choose the suitable colour scheme or something similar, so not only would the cover stories intrigue them,but also an aesthetic colour scheme. Here are the results I have received:
I have tried to make the masthead a pastel/cream colour, however it looked horrendous and so I did not use these results on my magazine and instead I have used gold and red, which are both from the remaining results, and seemed to appear nice together.
Question number 6 was asked in regards for me to know if I should have more than one photo on my front cover, not to make it only appear busy using text, but also image, and the results I have received are quite interesting:
It was a tie, and because of that I was not sure what to do, and just left it without for the time being, however, if I would select interesting photo/s and they would look appealing and nice on the front cover, I'd keep it on.
Because I am unsure as to how much I should charge for my magazine, I have asked approximately what price they would be willing to pay, for question 7 I have asked if they would be willing to pay more than four pounds for a music magazine, and these are the results that I have received:
Since my price was ever over £4, and was £2.50, I have decided to possibly raise the price to £3, depending on the quality of the paper. As I would not like my quality to be like Kerrang!'s but rather like Vintage Rock or MOJO's I have thought that it would be reasonable to raise the price by 50p.
Because my niche audience is young, interactive and very much involved within social media, I have decided that it would be a smart idea to ask them, how and what do they use to consume music? This question allowed them to choose more than one answer, which would then allow me to gain better, more accurate results. And this is what I received:
By looking at this data, I believe I should definitely add some links to Spotify, YouTube or Apple Music, as they seem to be the popular choices, and would definitely bring success to any music magazine.
Blumer and Katz believed that there were different categories of people who consumed media for different purposes: For entertainment, information, or being able to escape their daily lives and being able to relate to what they are reading. Reflecting on these theorists I have formed one of the questions to figure out why my specific audience would consume print media, and what they are looking for in an article, and these are the results:
Because such a large audience is looking for amusement, in my DPS article, I have been adding humorous elements to it, and some taboo language to make is acceptable and relevant to teenagers, as they tend to find it more amusing than an older audience.
The price that I have decided on, I believe the quality of the paper must be important as well, and it also depends on whether the issues are weekly or monthly, and I believe that if it is monthly, the quality must be very good.
Because 7 out of 10 believe that the quality of paper must be good, I have decided that if I would print my paper, it would be a better quality than Kerrang.
The audience is linked with modernity and use social media a lot, I am not sure whether they would like a free song from iTunes, or a free poster, and so I asked them what they would prefer to get with an issue, and these are the results:
I expected this to happen, because more than half would like to get a free song legally, I will possibly do a scan code which would allow them to get a free song from an artist of the week to their phone/device.